We believe strongly that US Highway 380 in McKinney can and should be modernized in its current location.
US Highway 380 Routes Comparison
US Highway 380 TxDOT route evaluation Key Factors
View our presentations to the McKinney City Council Sept 18 during the public comment period: http://mckinney.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=5&clip_id=4541
TXDot is a creative agency and has successfully modernized many state facilities like 380 in the past. Their work is done in an efficient manner impacting the absolute fewest number of homes and businesses.
Prosper residents recently re-affirmed a strong “pass” on any bypass
Businesses along 380 east and west of 75 that may require relocation will be compensated and ultimately see a net benefit in the end – recently projected at over 75,000 new jobs and over $19 BILLION in commerce. Likewise McKinney tax revenue increases are projected at over $150 Million per year.
Subdivisions like Tucker Hill and Stonebridge which were built directly on 380 prefer to impact thousand of residents between Farmersville and Custer Road in McKinney even though ZERO homes in Tucker Hill or Stonebridge would be impacted by modernizing 380 in its current location.
The population growth forecast for North Collin County is based on a “best guess” study done today and may or may not actually be reality in the future.